working in the Government of Canada

How to get a job in the Government of Canada through the Post Secondary Recruitment campaign

In this post we will interview Becky who has been working for the Canadian Government for almost a decade. In this interview, we will discuss her educational background, what motivated her get a job in the Canadian federal government, obtain an overview of her first job competition, and finally her perception of her job as a public [...]

The one mistake that can ruin your Government of Canada career

After being a public servant for several years I have witnessed different communication and interpersonal skills. This is normal and expected in an environment where professionals have varied educational backgrounds and work positions. Unfortunately, one thing that I have seen repeated with various levels of damage is an employee’s inability to use tact. This is [...]

The importance of being bilingual in the Government of Canada

I receive many inquiries about the importance of being bilingual in the Government of Canada. But, the question is: Is it important to be bilingual to get a job in the Government of Canada? My answer: it depends. Canada has two official languages: English and French. The Official Languages Act of 1969 (click here to read the act) outlines the [...]