Monthly Archives: October 2014

The Supervised Public Service Entrance Exam 371

The purpose of the Supervised Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE) 371 is to assess your reasoning and judgement skills for officer-level positions in the federal public service. Hiring managers use your score from this exam on its own or as the final step in a two-step assessment process, following an unsupervised version of the test (i.e., PSEE [...]

Online Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE UIT 370)

Similar to last year’s Post Secondary Recruitment (PSR) campaign,  the online / unsupervised Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE) UIT 370 is composed of two separate exams (often called sub-tests: the Test of Reasoning and the Test of Judgement). All applicants are asked to take the Test of Reasoning (sub-test 1). The test of Judgement (sub-test [...]