Monthly Archives: July 2015

What to do the day before your Government of Canada interview

Congratulations ! You have made it to the Government of Canada interview. You are one step closer to getting a cherished Federal Government position but are you prepared? Do you know what an assessment guide is? Government hiring managers must present factual information as to why a job candidate will be hired.  Typical interview preparation questions such as: " [...]

Tips for a successful phone interview with the Government of Canada

A phone interview is very different from a face-to-face interview. This is largely due to the fact that the visual component of the interview is eliminated. Hence all non verbal communication is absent which for most job candidates, puts them at a disadvantage. A phone interview comes with the advantage that the interviews cannot see [...]

Why is it better to work in the Government of Canada than in the private sector

Over the past years, the advantages of working for the Canadian federal government has been called into question. The increase in employees' contributions to their pension plans, the continuing conversation about decreasing employees’ sick days, and the relatively recent job cuts and slow hiring have caused many individuals to look harder at a profession with [...]

Job Pools in the Government of Canada

Job pools are used to place successful candidates on a pre-screened list after going through several stages of testing. These pools are then made available to interested hiring managers for additional testing or to provide managers the opportunity to extend a formal job offer. Being placed in a job pool does not necessarily guarantee that [...]

STAR approach to answering behavioural exam questions

Congratulations! You have made it to the oral interview. This is the stage where many candidates are eliminated as they do not respond to the questions correctly. In most interviews, you will have a section that is dedicated to theory ( questions about the department, questions on a previously provided document, etc.) the other section will [...]

EC Rates of Pay for Recent or Post Secondary Recruitment Graduates

The EC category makes up a significant population of all public service positions. Individuals in these positions are commonly referred to as Policy Analysts or Economists. Almost all EC employees have at least one university degree; it is not uncommon for EC’s to have Masters or PhDs. The latest contract for the ECs ended on [...]