Keyboard JOB

A phone interview is very different from a face-to-face interview. This is largely due to the fact that the visual component of the interview is eliminated. Hence all non verbal communication is absent which for most job candidates, puts them at a disadvantage.

A phone interview comes with the advantage that the interviews cannot see if you are nervous and you can also refer to your notes and prepared examples. However, it also comes with the challenge that you cannot read the expression(s) of the review board to know if you are going in the right direction. Due to this disadvantage, it is necessary to demonstrate your willingness and drive for the position being offered through your answers and tone of voice. Here are some tips to get you on the way.

1) Stand – By standing during the interview, you will help your body to alleviate stress and ensure that your voice is projected correctly.

2) Prepare, prepare, prepare – Ensure that you are well prepared for the interview, create a list of sample questions and responses using the STAR method of answering questions, and ensure that you have practiced adequately for the interview.

3) Project confidence – As you will not be in the room with the interviewer, you must make a strong effort to illustrate that you are a confident and prepared candidate that is capable to do the position; however, do not sound desperate, think of your interview as an intellectual exchange between professionals.

4) Smile – By smiling you will automatically adjust your mood and come across as being more friendly.

5) Show interest – If you are interested in the job, it is imperative that you express this interest by taking the time to prepare accordingly.

7) Dress appropriately – It is important to dress appropriately for the interview, although you are not going to see anyone, by wearing comfortable business like clothing, you to feel more confident in the interview. Do not do your interview in pyjamas or house clothes.

8) Manage the speed and tone of your speech – Ensure that you provide the board member (s) with sufficient time to write your answers. Many individuals will not ask you to repeat. As such, ensure that you make sufficient pauses after you provide each answer. Also, try to speak at the same speed and tone as your interviewer(s).

9) Ask questions – It is always good to ask questions on the job position or your responsibilities at the end of the interview. If the interviewer does not ask you if you have questions, state that you would like to ask a few questions. Discussions on salary is not appropriate at this time.

10) Thank the interviewers – Thank the interviewers for taking the time to meet you and follow up if necessary.

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