Congratulations ! You have made it to the Government of Canada interview. You are one step closer to getting a cherished Federal Government position but are you prepared? Do you know what an assessment guide is? Government hiring managers must present factual information as to why a job candidate will be hired. Typical interview preparation questions such as: ” Tell me about
yourself” will very rarely be asked in a typical Federal Public Service interview.
Oral Interview timeline
Why a timeline?
As I mention in my book, after researching various resources on securing a job in the federal government, I could not find one that offers an insiders’ guide on how to prepare for interviews in the Goverment of Canada.
The timeline that I am providing here, is exactly how I prepared and got chosen for numerous external and internal competitions. It is also how I advise myfriends and their colleagues to prepare for their interviews.
Many job applicants prepare in a mediocre fashion for Government of Canada interviews. My approach consists of walking in to an oral exam prepared. I then watch as federal government hiring managers agree with what I say while they frantically write on their assessment guides (note: If hiring managers are not writing while you are speaking you are not giving them the information that they want). When the interview is finished, I reach home, follow-up, and wait for my job offer. I believe in over preparing because this provides one with the confidence and knowledge you need to succeed every time.
1 day prior to your exam
• Review all the notes that you made for the exam (including those about the department, the position, your personal experience and your experience). By this time, you should be comfortable with everything on the sheet of paper.
• Review your sound bites for your pre-formulated answers.
• Revise your clothes for the interview, shoes and accessories. Lay out all the clothes that you will be wearing the next day, pack your bag with all the essentials that you will need including taxi money (in case of an emergency) and at least two pieces of identification.
• Go to bed earlier than usual and get a good night’s rest. Tomorrow will be a big day.
In my book you will find more detailed steps that you will need to follow for success before going to your interview.