Since the release of the Conservative Party’s Budget 2012, I have received various inquiries on the future of government jobs given the cuts that are being made in the Canadian Public Service. I can assure you two things: 1) These cuts are not based on the present fiscal situation of the country (Canada has a shrinking pool of knowledge workers and an aging population- Why educated workers who are helping to sustain the economy?) and 2) Most of these cuts will take place this year and will most likely lead to too much work and a need to hire very soon.
At present, letters are being given to bureaucrats explaining their options under the Workforce Adjustment Directive (WAD). This directive covers most occupations groups (not the Executive group who is not represented by a union) and allows management to estimate how much savings will be made very quickly while providing public servants an opportunity to leave the Canadian Public Service with a few options. Within the next few months, most individuals will have decided to leave the government or to stay in the Government of Canada for a limited time while they attempt to obtain a position elsewhere in the public service.
While this situation is devastating to most employees, it also to both federal servants inside the government as well as job seekers (especially Post Secondary Students, Coop, and FSWEP students) a great opportunity.
The large and rapid changes in the workplace leave remaining employees with large amounts of work to do with fewer personnel. As in the past (whether it be by means of a workforce adjustment or a reorganization), managers start losing key employees and request additional employees to assist in managing the workload. As a job seeker, your job is to determine these areas, align your interests to these vacancies and market yourself. There are ALWAYS jobs for talented and educated job seekers.
I do caution that certain departments have seen their budgets continuously cut under the Conservative government or simply because their mandates or certain programs are not “aligned” with the interests of this government. It may not in your best interest to seek employment in these departments at this point of time.