oraleexam 3 days

Hopefully, you have made notes for the written exam (provided it was not a standardized test).

If you have not, time is running short. You will need to find all the information that you possibly can on the department that has contacted you for an oral interview.

Oral Interview timeline

Why a timeline?

As I mention in my book, after searching and reading various resources on securing a job in the federal government, I could not find one that offers an insiders’ guide on how to prepare for oral exams in the Goverment of Canada.

The timeline that I am providing here, is exactly how I prepared and got chosen for numerous external and internal competitions. It is also how I advise my friends and colleagues to prepare for their interviews.

Most job applicants do not prepare sufficiently for interviews at the Government of Canada. My approach consists of walking in to an interview providing government hiring managers precise information and I observe as they are frantically write notes on what I am saying. When the interview is finished, I return to my residence, follow-up, and wait for my job offer.

I believe in over preparing because this provides one with the confidence and knowledge you need to succeed in this interview and in future interviews.

3 days prior to your exam

  • Purchase or try on outfits for interview. If you already have an outfit, mend, launder or dry clean all pieces and hang in a location that it they will not get wrinkled.
  • Polish shoes and double check the condition of accessories that will be used for the interview.
  • Review your notes and write five potential questions for the interviewers.

Interviewers like questions as it demonstrates that you have an interest in the position beyond the pay.

Your questions should not mention salary or raises. Also, they should be focused on the information that you researched, non-controversial topics related to the department, and on job responsibilities.

In my book you will find more detailed steps that you will need to follow for success before going to your interview.

Introducing the only proven online resource that will provide you with astonishing and quick results: The Insider's Guide to Canadian Government jobs.

This amazing guide contains years of research, interviews, and experience from Insiders in the Government of Canada to give you the best resource for obtaining your dream job in the Government.

Here is a brief look inside:

  • 100+ pages of never seen before insider knowledge on obtaining highly sought after government jobs that will make you the envy of your peers.
  • Clear steps and ready to use vocabulary that will land your new winning resume to the top of the pile...everytime, even if you're not good at writing.
  • Two done-for-you cover letter templates that explain exactly how to use your work and educational experience to have hiring managers fighting to meet you.
  • Also included is our trademarked: Face-To-Face Interview Differentiator TM. Our tested interview cheat sheet that carefully guides you through each step in the interview process taking you from a faceless applicant to a confident job candidate - even if you are usually nervous in interviews.
  • Juicy insider tips on how to get more when negotiating your salary, even if you do not have a lot of work experience.
  • Also included are free bonus chapters with amazing insider strategies on: Getting a job in the department of Global Affairs and how to excel in the highly competitive Post Secondary Recruitment (PSR) exams, even if you are not good at standardized tests.
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