
How to get a job in the Government of Canada through the Post Secondary Recruitment campaign

In this post we will interview Becky who has been working for the Canadian Government for almost a decade. In this interview, we will discuss her educational background, what motivated her get a job in the Canadian federal government, obtain an overview of her first job competition, and finally her perception of her job as a public [...]

The two job development options in the Government of Canada that are never discussed

A big misconception about a position in the Government of Canada is that all job opportunities only exist in other Government of Canada departments or Crown Corporations. This could not be further from the truth. While the majority of public servants do not venture outside of federal departments and Crown Corporations during their careers, several [...]

The truth behind Steven Harper’s open letter and Government Sick Leave and Pension Benefits

With 15 days left until Election Day, all parties are recognizing the importance of obtaining the votes of the federal public servants. On October 1st, 2015, Stephen Harper released his “open letter” to public servants; this comes almost a week after Justin Trudeau’s “open letter”. In Harper’s letter he makes comments such as “Canadians are [...]

Public Service Pension Plan – What you need to know

An attractive benefit of the federal public service is the public service pension plan. The plan is a defined benefit plan meaning that employees are promised a specific predetermined benefit that is calculated by an employee’s salary, years of service, and age instead of depending directly on individual investment returns. There are a few basic [...]

Alternative Work Arrangements in the Government of Canada

Flex- Time Flex-Time allows employees of the Government of Canada to work during pre-arranged hours (usually between 7:00 6:00 p.m.) provided that they complete 7.5 hours each day. In this arrangement, employees usually have a "core" time that they need to be in the office and fixed periods for lunch. In this arrangement employees [...]

2013 Rates of Pay for Economists (EC) for Post Secondary Recruitment Candidates

As a  student selected from the Post Secondary Recruitment campaign, you will most likely be offered a position at the EC02 or EC04 position. What was negotiated? As of July 12th,2012, the rates of pay on Treasury's board website are reflected in the table below as "Present salary". Under that, was the new negotiated rates [...]

Why is it better to work in the Government of Canada than in the private sector

Over the past years, the advantages of working for the Canadian federal government has been called into question. The increase in employees' contributions to their pension plans, the continuing conversation about decreasing employees’ sick days, and the relatively recent job cuts and slow hiring have caused many individuals to look harder at a profession with [...]

EC Rates of Pay for Recent or Post Secondary Recruitment Graduates

The EC category makes up a significant population of all public service positions. Individuals in these positions are commonly referred to as Policy Analysts or Economists. Almost all EC employees have at least one university degree; it is not uncommon for EC’s to have Masters or PhDs. The latest contract for the ECs ended on [...]

Advantages of Working for the Canadian Federal Government

Advantages of Working for the Canadian Federal Government Canada is presently experiencing a slow population growth rate and as well as an aging population. With baby-boomers retiring at exponential rates, the federal government is looking for new employees to step in. However, managers are very weary of whom they choose to fill in these positions. To become [...]