
The one mistake that can ruin your Government of Canada career

After being a public servant for several years I have witnessed different communication and interpersonal skills. This is normal and expected in an environment where professionals have varied educational backgrounds and work positions. Unfortunately, one thing that I have seen repeated with various levels of damage is an employee’s inability to use tact. This is [...]

The 2015 federal elections and the niqab

Over the past few weeks, the 2015 federal election has become increasing politicized. One of the latest issues is evolving around Zunera Ishaq who has refused to remove her niqab during the public swearing-in ceremony for her citizenship. Under the Conservative government, a policy introduced in December 2011, requires all participants seeking Canadian citizenship to be [...]

Visible minorities in the government

Over the past few years, the Government of Canada has made a conscious effort to improve outcomes for visible minorities wishing to enter into Government of Canada. It is important to note that Aboriginal Persons are not considered visible minorities. They are classified under a separate Employment Equity group which has it's own recruitment and [...]