job pools

How to get a job in the Government of Canada through the Post Secondary Recruitment campaign

In this post we will interview Becky who has been working for the Canadian Government for almost a decade. In this interview, we will discuss her educational background, what motivated her get a job in the Canadian federal government, obtain an overview of her first job competition, and finally her perception of her job as a public [...]

What are your options after being screened out of the Post Secondary Recruitment campaign?

The Government of Canada’s Post Secondary Recruitment campaign (PSR) is run annually by the Public Service Commission. The PSR provides post secondary students with the opportunity to secure a full-time indeterminate position in the Government of Canada. Every year, tens of thousands of post-secondary students who have graduated or are near graduating, write the exams [...]

Ace your Government of Canada interview by doing these three things

Congratulations! You wrote a winning cover letter and resume, and performed well on your written exam. You have now made it to the final stage: the face-to-face interview. At this stage you have proven that you have the education, qualifications, and skill base for the job position. What is really being analyzed at this point [...]

Job pool frequently asked questions

Over the past years, I have received many inquiries from candidates in a job pool. I would like to address some of the questions that I have received in the past. What is a job pool? A job pool is a list of qualified candidates who have successfully completed various levels of screening. The hiring [...]