Oral Exam

Congratulations! You have passed the written exam(s). Many individuals perceive the hardest aspect of the recruitment process to be the written portion. A common question I will address in this article in respect to the Canadian Public Service oral exam is what should they do about their jewelry, piercings and tattoos.

What about Jewelry, Piercings and tattoos?

Men and Women

Remove all facial jewelry (including tongue and all ear piercings). In the case of women, should you have more than one hole in each ear, remove all piercing after the first hole, where you should place studs or small loops

Collar line

One necklace is enough for both sexes. Avoid controversial pendants or other pendants that distract the interviewer from what you are saying.


No more than three rings for the interview.


Please cover all tattoos. Although it varies by department, the work environment in the Government of Canada is extremely conservative. Once you are hired, you will determine if you wish to expose your tattoos or not. Some departments and managers are more lenient than others.

Once, a young job candidate made the mistake of wearing a short sleeve top under a jacket. As the interview room was warming up, the candidate made the mistake of taking off the jacket to expose two large visible tattoos. Unfortunately for the candidate, the hiring managers were three conservative middle-aged individuals. The rest is history.

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