Congratulations! You have passed the written exam(s). Many individuals perceive the hardest aspect of the recruitment process to be the written portion. A common question I will address in this article is:

What about Make-up and other accessories?


Your make-up should complement your facial features but be as natural as possible. Avoid bright shades of eye makeup, blushes and lipstick.


Ensure that all bags, boots, jackets etc. that will be visible in the exam room are impeccably clean, stain free and do not have loose strings.



Nails should be filed, clean and short to average length. If you wear cosmetic nails, have them cut and filed  a little shorter than usual.

Ensure that the nail polish colour that you use in the interview is a clear or a pale pastel colour in the pink or peach range.


The Government of Canada is a fragrance free environment. Do not wear cologne or perfume to the interview. Many individuals in the Government have allergies and this could include the hiring manager conducting your interview. It is better to be safe and not wear fragrances than for an interview to be ended before its allotted time because the hiring manager could not breathe.

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  • Also included are free bonus chapters with amazing insider strategies on: Getting a job in the department of Global Affairs and how to excel in the highly competitive Post Secondary Recruitment (PSR) exams, even if you are not good at standardized tests.
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