2015 post secondary recruitment exam

How to Succeed in the Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE) – Strategies

The Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE) is the first screening test provided in the Post Secondary Recruitment Campaign. The Public Service Entrance Exam – Unsupervised Internet Test 370 (PSEE UIT 370) is taken online anywhere where candidates can connect to the internet. If candidates are successful, they are then invited to take the Public Service [...]

Online Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE UIT 370)

Similar to last year’s Post Secondary Recruitment (PSR) campaign,  the online / unsupervised Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE) UIT 370 is composed of two separate exams (often called sub-tests: the Test of Reasoning and the Test of Judgement). All applicants are asked to take the Test of Reasoning (sub-test 1). The test of Judgement (sub-test [...]

Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE) Tips

The Public Service Entrance Exam (PSEE) was a new initiative of the Government of Canada that started in 2011. The PSEE now forms part of the Post Secondary Recruitment selection process The purpose of the Public Service Entrance Exams are to test candidates’ knowledge in the following categories: arithmetic reasoning, logical reasoning, analytical reasoning, and number or letter [...]